
Follow Updates From Others

When working with others, it is nice to know when they have made a change, or commented on an issue.  For any issue within AuditFindings you can "follow" an item and see a summary of these items on your Dashboard. You can also filter the list of items to only those that you follow.


Below are the three methods for setting the "follow" flag.  You can set the "follow" flag individually for any issue, via the star icon, or via the mass edit function. 

 Set the "Follow" flag for individual items.

  • Go the the issues tab
  • Select the items
  • Click edit
  • Select the "follow" item


These items will now display on your Dashboard under the "Items I Follow" section.

Click the Star Icon to set an item to follow.

  • Go to the issues tab
  • Click the star item


The gold or highlighted items will now display on your Dashboard under the "Items I follow" section.

Set the "Follow" flag via the Mass Edit function.

If you want to select multiple items at one time, use the mass edits feature.

  • Go to the issues tab
  • On the left side menu, select the check box for the items to follow
  • On the bottom of the page, select the drop down box option for "follow/stop following."  If you were not following previously, it will start following.  If you were following previously, it will stop following. 


These items will not display on your Dashboard under the "Items I Follow" section.

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