Reports provide you a method to view or download specific information related to audits or audit issues. The reports are organized into three distinct buckets: My Favorite Reports, Custom Reports, and Default.
Favorite Reports: This section holds reports that you have flagged as a favorite. These can be custom reports, or default reports. The intent is to provide ready access to reports that you use frequently. The following article outlines how to set reports to display in the My Reports section.
Custom Reports: Like the name says, these are reports that have been customized or developed specifically by the users. The following article addresses how to customize a report.
Default Reports: Default reports are included within the system.
All reports can be viewed on the screen or downloaded for external use. The reports will download in Excel format. This format allows users to easily modify or customize the content for the needed purposes. However, any changes made to the data once downloaded or exported, will not be updated within the system. If changes are made to the external data, it will need to be imported to update existing items. This article addresses how to import issues into the system.