
Issue Age and Past Due Age

The system will calculate the length or number of days an item has been open and the number of days an item is past due.   From the issues tab, you can see these listed under the "Age" and "PD" or past due headings.  A few characteristics of how the system handles this data are below.


Age:  The age of the issue is calculated by the difference between the Issue Date and the Current Date unless a Completion Date (Actual Resolution Date) has been entered.  If a Completion Date has been entered, the age will be the difference between the Issue Date and the Actual Resolution Date.

Due/Past Due:  The Due/Past Due age is the number of days an item has exceeded the Due Date (Target Resolution Date).  If the number is negative, it will be the number of days until the Due Date.  If a Completion Date is entered, the PD days will be the difference between the Due Date and the Completion Date. 

If the Issue Date, Due Date, or Completion Date are edited, the Issue Age and Due/Past Due will update accordingly. If the Issue Date is removed, the Issue Age will be removed as well.

Specific Calculations are as follows:

Issue Age:

  • No Issue Date -> No Issue Age
  • Issue Date and Completion Date -> Difference between the two
  • Issue Date and no Completion Date -> Difference between Issue Date and current date

Due/Past Due Days:

  • No Due Date -> No Past Due
  • Due Date and Completion Date -> Difference between the two
  • Due Date and no Completion Date -> Difference between Due Date and current date

The Age and Due/Past Due days are not related to the status of the item. That is, if an item is "open" and has a completion date, the issue age will no longer calculate. Conversely, if an item is closed, but does not have a completion date, the age will continue to increase.



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